Sunday, 19 February 2012

Made in the Now "Burgernator" T-Shirt!! Available for 24 HOURS ONLY!!

MITN designs are produced every 24 hours and are inspired by a top of mind news story of the day. Each t-shirt features a highly collectible, covetable design and is available to purchase for 24 hours only. I was lucky enough to be selected to design today's t-shirt!! I had 4 hours from 9am this morning to create this from scratch!! Time to go eat some breakfast!!!

You can see the design and order one right here!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Bad Teeth Comics x Frankies Apartment

Hey Everybody!! Just a quick little post to tell you about 'Frankie's Apartment' a new show being produced by the guys who made Kid America Club from a few years back.

There's a whole crew of new characters living in the apartment including Sudsie, Computer Head and Mr. Parfenix!! You can check out a bunch of character bios, pre-production videos and short films at the new website right now!

There is a very special Bad Teeth/Frankie's apartment crossover comic strip up on the website aswell, you can view that little ditty right here!!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Cheese's New Ringtone

Here's a special interactive strip!! If you'd like to hear Cheese's ringtone as you're reading this comic, just hit play on the Youtube video below!!